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      Steam Efficiency
      Robert Benz, P.E. 11.08

        Energy Efficiency in the steam
        industry has been long overlooked
        and often believed to be impossible.
        Engineers have followed the
        befief that boilers need to run at
        full load 24 hrs a day.
        continued here

      Data Aquisition
      and Plant Efficiency
      Patricia Spiritus,
      General Manager 11.08

        Data Aquisition is the key to
        getting the most out of both your
        power plant and your energy dollar
       continued here

      Evaluating a Successful
      Marcel Staedter

        Clients come to us for a variety of
        reasons. Some are looking to lower
        their CO2 emissions, some are looking
       continued here

Benz Air Engineering Delivers
The Most Efficient Systems In The World

CompuNOx Boiler Control System | Higher Efficiency, Lower NOx

The CompuNOx control system delivers reliable operations, maximum efficiency, and reduced NOx emissions for all boilers. Its patented control design employs a proportional fan-speed-to-air-flow solution for a precise air-fuel ratio that self-corrects density to dry bulb deviation and provides unparalleled accuracy and safety. After a simple cost-effective installation, the system delivers lower electrical costs — as much as $100,000 per year — and reduces NOx emission to 0.02lb/mmbtu without replacing the burner or boiler.

CondiMax Condensing Heat Exchanger | Higher Efficiency, Lower CO2

The CondiMAX condensing heat exchanger uses the most advanced heat exchange coils in order to increase efficiency by 10 percent or more, allowing most boilers to operate at greater than 94 percent efficiency. With an SCR-Efficiency installation, this system increases steam availability by reducing the amount of steam needed for water preheating. Installation is paid back in less than three years in fuel savings while reducing CO2 emissions by about 10 percent.

n-MAX Parasitic Load Optimizer | More Control, Lower Cost

The n-MAX parasitic load optimizer maximizes efficiency by analyzing systems for parasitic losses in the boiler deaerator and pumps and strategically adjusts heat recovery in the deaerator and pumps to increase overall boiler efficiency. This advanced control system is an innovative solution that minimizes or eliminates all parasitic losses, with the potential to increase efficiency by more than 5 percent and reduce overall operating costs.

PreMizer Combustion Air Heating  I  Better Measurement, Increased Efficiency

The PreMizer combustion air heating solution measures overall efficiency and recovers the optimum amount of condensate that can be returned to the boiler.  Since this solution is responsive to the level of condensate, it can fine tune the system after determining how much condensate can be returned directly to the boiler or recirculated to the interior of the system for deaeration.  

ModuCat SCR-Efficiency Retro fit  I  Minimal Downtime, Ultra Low NOx

The ModuCat SCR-Efficiency Retrofit is the only known SCT retrofit that has consistently delivered <6ppm NOz emission compliance without intensive structural modifications.  This solution reduces the cataloes flow by a factor of 1.2, which reduces the catalyst volume needed and extends the catalyst lifetime.  The retro fit minimizes NOx emissions, making the system eligible for credits currently trading at $20,000 per year, and reduces CO2 by 10 percent.

Benz Air CEMS Solutions  I  Meets EPA Requirements, Earns Emission Credits

The Benz Air continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) provides EPA-certified flue gas monitoring to record concentrations of CO, CO2, NO, NO2, and O2 systems.  Data is collected in a standalone PLC program that logs information every 10 seconds.  Daily reporting summaries are provided on spreadsheets that provide average concentrations for every 15 minutes of operation making it an ideal monitoring tool to establish emission credits.

Benz Air Boiler Islands
  I  Better Protection, More Heat Recovery

Benz Air Boiler Islands are custom designed and installed gas turbine sets that protect boiler plants from power outages by ensuring no steam is lost during an outage.  This solution also increases heat recovery by utilizing the turbine exhaust to preheat the air for better boiler combustion.  Once installed, the gas turbines will improve efficiency, save electricity, and allow your system to operate without relying exclusively on electricity.